Featured Stories
Tacit knowledge is no longer the preserve of humans
The rise of AI-based KM offerings raises some fundamental questions that could overturn many of the core tenets underpinning KM.
Case studies in complexity (part 7): Problem-solving communication skills and lateral thinking in the Helidon Hills
Two very effective approaches for overcoming resistance and denial when engaging stakeholders.
Knowledge management in the banking industry
The Banking Knowledge Management Model (BKMM) is based on the concept of knowledge management postulated by Wiig and Prusak.
Knowledge management in the era of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 and knowledge management complement one another to enhance corporate performance.
2000 RealKM Magazine articles!
This week, RealKM Magazine passed the very significant milestone of having published more than two thousand articles!
KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 8 – An agile approach to program management
Insights into the application of agile methods to program management (as opposed to project management).
In the know: More on growth mindset | The Center for Implementation | OpenAlex
In the know is a regular roundup of knowledge management (KM) items of interest.
The relationship between science and art [Arts & culture in KM part 9]
Often seen as opposites, science and art both depend on observation and synthesis.
The paradox of arts-based interventions [Arts & culture in KM part 8]
Arts-based interventions (ABIs) in organisations goes against everything we've been taught. What if it's not an either/or situation?
The future of knowledge management: an agenda for research and practice
The current states of KM literature and KM practice, raising important issues that need to be taken into account for…