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Video from KM4Dev Knowledge Café 30 – Value Creation with Communities of Practice
Experiences from KM4Dev and Communities of Practice (CoPs) in Denmark
The video from KM4Dev Knowledge Café 30 – Value Creation with Communities of Practice can be viewed above and is also available on the KM4Dev YouTube channel.
Olga Vtorushina, Social Learning Consultant, Denmark opened the Knowledge Café by sharing experiences from communities of practice (CoPs) in Denmark.
This was followed by a fishbowl exercise with learning experiences from KM4Dev members who shared:
- The place of KM4Dev in the context of their work
- Their journey into and with KM4Dev
- Areas of value creation in their personal experience of participation
- Activities and relations they found particularly valuable.
The KM4Dev facilitation team was:
- Gladys Kemboi
- Sarah Cummings
- Maureen Kenga.