KM in project-based & temporary organisations
KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 8 – An agile approach to program management
Insights into the application of agile methods to program management (as opposed to project management).
Brain power
Diverse teams help organizations adapt to change
New research suggests that diverse teams are more likely to make successful pivots than their more homogeneous peers.
Book reviews and releases
Book release – Dare to Un-Lead: The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World
Transforming leadership to one that is based on empowering people to lead together through the concepts of liberty, equality and…
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – A guest post by Andrew Trickett
Are conversations still possible on social networks? In one of the communities I am a member of, I had the…
Brain power
How to better deal with uncertainty
Four groups of tools and approaches for dealing with uncertainty, which is often central to change and innovation.
Brain power
New research highlights how quickly our brains update
We don't actually see the world in real time, leading to “change blindness” - our difficulty noticing subtle changes over…
ABCs of KM
How wolves change processes: Understanding second and third order effects in knowledge management
As a knowledge manager changes a process, the additional effects from changing the process must be realized.
Brain power
How to be an internal business consultant
The vast majority of full-time knowledge management (KM) work can be described in terms of the functions of an internal…
2020’s top 100 journal articles
Agenda Seeding: How 1960s Black Protests Moved Elites, Public Opinion and Voting [Top 100 research & commentary of 2020]
While minority group activism can overcome the resistance to change of the majority, aggressive or confrontational activism can produce the…
Brain power
Cutting down on bureaucracy and unleashing our human spirit at work
For too long, large organizations have ignored the human costs of bureaucracy, perhaps assuming they were unavoidable.