rapid learning
KM in project-based & temporary organisations
KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 8 – An agile approach to program management
Insights into the application of agile methods to program management (as opposed to project management).
KM in project-based & temporary organisations
KM in project-based & temporary organisations: Part 4 – Agile and rapid and direct lesson learning
Lesson learning within projects using agile and rapid and direct lesson learned approaches.
Decolonising knowledge & KM
KM4Dev Knowledge Cafè 24 – Different Thinking in Knowledge Management
Thursday 9 June 2022, 10:00am to 11:30am Central European Summer Time (CEST).
ABCs of KM
Ground TRUTH After-Action Review (AAR) tool
The Ground TRUTH After-Action Review tool supports adaptive recovery in the intense operational and chronic environment of COVID-19, and has…
Brain power
A model for rapid learning and action in the face of COVID-19 uncertainty
The Nightingale learning system involves identifying and addressing problems on a 24-hour cycle, and the architecture is potentially transferable to…
Getting to the heart of the problems with Boeing, Takata, and Toyota
Getting to the heart of the problems with Boeing, Takata, and Toyota (part 4): Embracing a different approach to knowledge management
A complex system can only be understood by understanding the small particular parts of day to day interaction. In order…
Brain power
The knowledge disruption from fast and frugal innovation in response to COVID-19
What does this knowledge disruption mean for knowledge management (KM)?
Systems & complexity
Active knowledge exchange with users and partners in open innovation: the case study of Xiaomi
Just what it is that makes Xiaomi’s approach so effective?