COVID-19 coronavirus
How COVID19 has redefined knowledge and the value of intangible resources
It has taken a crisis like COVID19 for intangible resources such as community engagement and relationships to start receiving the…
Ground TRUTH After-Action Review (AAR) tool
The Ground TRUTH After-Action Review tool supports adaptive recovery in the intense operational and chronic environment of COVID-19, and has…
Engaging with bad knowledge practices
One of the most pressing questions of the pandemic era has been: what should be done about bad knowledge practices?
A model for enterprise knowledge management after the COVID-19 crisis
A practical four-stage step-by-step model of KM for post COVID-19 crisis management, including preparation for future crises.
One virus, two countries: how the misuse of science compounded South Africa’s COVID crisis
'First world' knowledge biases prevented South Africa from mobilising the energies and talents of most of its people against COVID-19.
Strategies and recommendations for bringing knowledge from research into policy – lessons from public health
The three different strategies facilitate collaboration and communication between stakeholders, including policy-makers and practitioners.
The importance of clear communication, even in uncertain times
Five strategies to use to ensure that employees can trust what leaders say.
COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates both strength and weakness of science funding models
We’ve inadvertently built a research grant system that clips the wings of the world’s smartest researchers.
Implementation during a time of crisis: The critical role of trusting relationships
Relationships are at the center of the fast paced changes made to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.