Nudge theory
Critical Eye: A response to “Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither”
Analyzing the claims made in a recent article on nudge theory published in The Conversation.
Nudge theory
Are nudges sinister psychological tricks? Or are they useless? Actually they are neither
A group of researchers argues that current nudge controversies suggest widespread misunderstanding about nudges.
ABCs of KM
Ground TRUTH After-Action Review (AAR) tool
The Ground TRUTH After-Action Review tool supports adaptive recovery in the intense operational and chronic environment of COVID-19, and has…
ABCs of KM
A smart cities perspective on managing pandemic-related knowledge
Smart city strategies can assist in managing the huge volumes of data that need to be processed for effective pandemic…
Brain power
Engaging with bad knowledge practices
One of the most pressing questions of the pandemic era has been: what should be done about bad knowledge practices?
COVID-19 coronavirus
A model for enterprise knowledge management after the COVID-19 crisis
A practical four-stage step-by-step model of KM for post COVID-19 crisis management, including preparation for future crises.
Decolonising knowledge & KM
One virus, two countries: how the misuse of science compounded South Africa’s COVID crisis
'First world' knowledge biases prevented South Africa from mobilising the energies and talents of most of its people against COVID-19.
Because You Need to Know
KMTV KM Lobby – KM in Law Firms
Insights on KMTV from law firm knowledge management (KM) champions about how they have adapted to the times of COVID-19.
Brain power
The importance of clear communication, even in uncertain times
Five strategies to use to ensure that employees can trust what leaders say.
ABCs of KM
The emergence of “knowmads” as new knowledge workers
A knowmad is a nomadic knowledge worker – that is, a creative, imaginative, and innovative person who can work with…