Brain power
Research shows how HR systems struggle to appreciate non-degree credentials
Skills-based recruitment is growing, but it can be difficult for HR and talent acquisition systems to recognize tacit knowledge credentials.
Artificial intelligence
Can AI make recruitment fairer?
As algorithms become more sophisticated, will they be capable of doing a fairer and more effective job at recruiting than…
Brain power
The impact scandal has on your career
Is there guilt by association when employees enter the market for a new job after a corporate scandal?
Brain power
Predictive algorithms are no better at telling the future than a crystal ball
Business managers often rely on predictive algorithms to make recruiting decisions that affect a company's bottom line. But these kinds…
ABCs of KM
Moving towards better evidence-based decisions in HR
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has established a new research department to help draw the broader HR community…
Brain power
The potential for strengths-based performance conversations in HR management
Could an appreciative inquiry approach be successfully applied to human resources (HR) performance management?
Brain power
Personality is the key to getting ahead
In a world that is so highly collaborative and social, does the adage that nice guys finish last still apply?
Brain power
The behavioural science of recruitment and selection
Harnessing behavioural science knowledge can improve recruitment and selection outcomes for organisations.
ABCs of KM
Aligning HR with KM [EKM series]
Firms that align their HRM practices with their particular knowledge strategy can be more successful in developing sustainable competitive advantage.