human resources
Because You Need to Know
Because You Need to Know – Carolyn Mumby
A great perspective and analysis tool to help teams understand more of the work dynamics. Performance is not the only…
ABCs of KM
Moving towards better evidence-based decisions in HR
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has established a new research department to help draw the broader HR community…
ABCs of KM
Aligning HR with KM [EKM series]
Firms that align their HRM practices with their particular knowledge strategy can be more successful in developing sustainable competitive advantage.
Systems & complexity
Toxic Workers Working Paper
A Harvard Business School study identifies the characteristics and circumstances that lead workers to engage in toxic behavior, and explores…
ABCs of KM
Using competencies to bridge theory and practice [EKM series]
Editor’s note: This is a continuing serialisation of edited portions of Andre Saito’s PhD here on RealKM. The knowledge economy and society…