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KM4Dev Knowledge Café 27: Multi-Donor Partnership on Learning for Development Impact (MDLP) Return on Knowledge and end-of-year celebrations

KM4Dev Knowledge Café 27: MDLP Return on Knowledge and end-of-year celebrations
Online, 13 Dec 2022, 3:00pm Central European Time (CET), Meeting Registration

The Multi-Donor Partnership on Learning for Development Impact (MDLP) was formed in 2018 as a small community of practice comprising knowledge and organisational learning professionals from nine major development donors. The group has been facilitated by Piers Bocock and Chris Collison, who, together with members of the MDLP, will share the story of how the community came to be, adapted its working patterns during the restrictive COVID-19 phase, and its focus for the future.

The book Return on Knowledge was recently produced by MDLP with funding from UNICEF, one of the partner organisations. A curated compendium of favorite case studies, the book is bound together with a theory of change that links knowledge management and organizational learning with development impact. Chris and Piers will provide a facilitator’s perspective on how the community collaborated to produce the book, and several KM4Dev members will share their reviews.

In addition to the MDLP, and to celebrate the community and togetherness that can be found across the many KM for development communities we all are a part of, we are also dedicating this Knowledge Café to introducing a few key KM for development communities.

We are looking to learn more about their work and the value they bring, and what key lessons and experiences they can share with us all.

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KM4Dev (Knowledge Management for Development) is a global networked community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches and, who seek to share ideas and experiences in this domain.

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