Managing in the face of complexitySystems & complexity

Managing in the face of complexity (part 6): Additional useful resources

This article is part 6 (and the final part) of a series of articles featuring the ODI Working Paper A guide to managing in the face of complexity.

Additional useful resources on management approaches

Andrews, M., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M. (2012). Escaping Capability Traps through Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). CGD Working Paper 299, Washington, DC. Center for Global Development.

Beer. S. (1979). The Heart of Enterprise. New York: John Wiley.

Birdsall, N. & W. Savedoff (2010). Cash on Delivery: A New Approach to Foreign Aid. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.

Brenzel, L. (2009). Taking Stock: World Bank Experience with Results-Based Financing (RBF) for Health. Briefing Note, World Bank: Health, Nutrition and Population Unit.

Espejo, R., Schuhmann, W., Schwaninger, M., and Bilello, U. (1996). Organizational Transformation and Learning: A Cybernetic Approach to Management. New York: John Wiley.

Flood, R. L. and Jackson, M. C. (1991). Creative Problem Solving: Total Systems Intervention. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

GIZ (2009). Capacity WORKS: The Management Model for Sustainable Development. Eschborn: GIZ.

Hummelbrunner, R. (2010). ‘Beyond Logframe: Critique, Variations and Alternatives’, in Beyond Logframe; Using Systems Concepts in Evaluation. Tokyo: Federation for Advanced Studies on International Development.

Jackson.P.Z. and McKergow, M. (2002). Solution Focus: The Simple Way to Positive Change. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Snowden, D. J. and Boon, M.E. (2007). A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Wauters, B. (2013). ‘Sourcebook on results based management in the EU Structural Funds’,
Community of Practice on RBM in EU Structural Funds.

Useful websites – contains material on GIZ’s Capacity WORKS model and other management related tools. – a manual by Jon Walker for applying the Viable System Model in co-operatives and social economy enterprises. – the website of the network of practitioners working with the Cynefin framework, which contains case studies, papers and other material. – the website of the Centre for Solutions Focus at Work, with a range of publications on the Solution Focus approach and material for related tools. – contains a detailed description of the [Adaptive Action] approach, publications, a blog and additional resources. – this website managed by Rick Davies contains a list of useful documents in the Archive for the ‘The Logical Framework’ Category.

See also these related series:

Article source: Hummelbrunner, R. and Jones, H. (2013). A guide to managing in the face of complexity. London: ODI. ( Republished under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 in accordance with the Terms and conditions of the ODI website.

Header image source: pxherePublic Domain.

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Richard Hummelbrunner and Harry Jones

Authors of the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) papers "A guide for planning and strategy development in the face of complexity" and "A guide to managing in the face of complexity".

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